Click on an organization below to choose from a list of providers in this county. Each provider will be listed with a link to contact them for telehealth services.
Organization | |||||
Bamberg | provider-logo-bamberg-family-practice.png | Bamberg Family Practice | 803-245-5168 | | |
Bamberg | provider-logo-family-health-centers.png | Family Health Centers | 803-531-6900 | | override_1 |
Bamberg | provider-logo-regional-medical-center.png | Regional Medical Center | 803-395-2200 | |
Palmetto Care Connections (PCC) is a telehealth network that assists health care providers in connecting rural and underserved South Carolinians to quality services through broadband, technology and telehealth programs. Neither PCC nor Orangeburg County School District (OCSD) is responsible for payment of any student or family healthcare costs incurred for services provided by clinicians participating in the Students' Medical Access to Resource in Telehealth (S.M.A.R.T.) collaborative. Neither OCSD nor PCC is endorsing any participating provider or is responsible for the level of care the participating provider offers to patients via telemedicine accessed by the S.M.A.R.T. link.